Ten Characteristics of Great Leaders


Leadership is a concept a person is either drawn to or one they push away. You may not see yourself as a leader, but without leadership, your family will go in lots of different directions. In fact, Scripture says, Where there is no vision, the people perish. (Proverbs 29:18). It is the responsibility of the leader to […]

Receiving the Message of Hope

Angry Bullhorn

A freelance writer for the Christian Post recently wrote one of his biggest joys comes from listening to non-believers so that he might be better equipped to witness to them. Thom S. Rainer and his research teams interviewed thousands of non-Christians and found out what they think of Christ followers. He found several trends and […]

Sharing Your Faith at Work

Sharing Your Faith in the Workplace

How can you share your faith at work without being obnoxious or without getting fired? Dr. Randy Carlson, founder of Intentional Living, said life is full of opportunities at the appropriate time. “Be a real kind person, and then be specific,” Dr. Carlson said. “Be specific about how God has made a difference in your […]

Tips for Sharing Your Faith

Football locker sharing faith

When I was a sophomore in high school, I played football. My locker partner, Mike, was good at football. I was OK at it. We were in band together, too, so I knew Mike pretty well. He was the class clown, the one who always kept the band laughing and the football team going. Mike […]

Commitment Plus Action

Commitment Plus Action family

I write about the five essentials of Intentional Living in nearly everything I teach and share in our print and digital publications. Conversations about relationships are the centerpiece of our radio program, Intentional Living, as well. Our ministry focuses on the five essentials because they’re important in helping you glorify God and bring you closer […]

Finishing Strong

Finish Line

If you knew you were nearing the end of life, what questions would you ask yourself? http://www.vimeo.com/74487467 Would you be prepared to meet the Lord? What about your family? What about all the projects you started in your life? Would you finish strong? Finishing strong requires an intentional approach and strategy on your part. Do […]